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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dear Mikayla

Here is the question we received:

"I get really bad stage fright and it's so stressful and makes me feel depressed. :( What should I do?"

Hey Mikayla! Stage fright is very common among performers, even professionals. As actresses ourselves, we understand exactly what you are going through. Even when we are really excited to perform a part, both of us get extremely nervous. Over the years we have learned to deal with stage fright. Here are a few things you can do:

- Completely immerse yourself in your role. So completely that you don't even remember that you are performing for an audience
-Imagine you are performing for someone you are very comfortable with, like your best friend.
-Remember that if you mess up, most likely no one will remember and also THE AUDIENCE HAS NOT READ THE SCRIPT!! That means they really will not know if you messed up a line :)

If you are performing, we really do hope you have a great experience. If you ever get stage fright, always remember that you should really be performing for yourself, and that the audience came to see you perform. 

Stage fright may never go away completely, but over time, you will be able to cope with it much better. And don't let it make you depressed! Your performance will be great as long as you're having the time of your life :)

Shane and Honour

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